Samstag, 8. März 2014

"Unscientific" is no shame, hence can't be a serious blame.

"Unscientific" is no shame, hence can't be a serious blame.

There is no basic or generally stringent reason to rely more on outcomes of systematic implication of designed, organized and supervized practical methods than on findings emerged from
exercise and development of mentally trained consciousness, just because there are no measures and quantitative controls of the latter possible.
Many of our methods of quantification and qualification are technically refined and highly complex but of primitive concept of control and rather biased, illusionary and superstitious
than efficiently informative.
On the other hand, it is not more reasonable to prefere findings of spiritual exercise to practical experience and skills. Either manner of cognition and appreciation is basically
different from the other, much more than is the left hand different from the right one, even though both can complement each other and cooperate if properly trained (both hands as well
as practical intelligence and spiritual mind).
The difference between both hands,on one side, practical intelligence and spiritual mind on the other side, is that both hands serve under the control of the practical intelligence while
the cognition of practical intelligence serves the cognition of manifestations of reality by it's material concreteness, the concreteness being formed by dynamisms essentially different
from dynamisms conditioning mental existence and the spiritual work to accept and shape it.

These considerations incite and encourage me to publish here the quotation of a passage taken from "Latest Message from Archangel Michael / Ronna Herman" (,
"CELEBRATING A SPIRITUAL REUNION", Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-03-2014 :

The whales and dolphins, who are the record keepers for the history of planet Earth, and the cosmic telepathic communicators between Earth and this galaxy, are desirous of reestablishing their relationship with humanity.
You have forgotten; however, they have not.
They have willingly and lovingly served humanity down through the ages, only to be killed and maimed.

Please help to stop this abomination, beloveds. The dolphins and whales resonate to the element of water, and therefore are very conscious of your emotional frequency patterns.

They have suffered along with you down through the ages. Many blessed souls have blended their energies with these beautiful Beings, and are endeavoring to make you aware of how precious and important they are in the complex scheme of evolution.

The call has gone forth for those of you who remember; those of you who were there in the beginning to reunite in the physical in order to awaken to your own magnificence and heritage, and to reconnect with your brothers and sisters, the whales and dolphins."
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Nashaupt's 'Programm'

Die Unparteilichkeit der Logik ist nicht die einzige aber die unab- dingbarste Gewähr für die Freiheit des Denkens. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Niemand hat Anspruch darauf, die Prämissen (Vorbedingungen) des Denkens für Andere zu bestimmen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Beim Streit um Prämis- sen geht es zweifellos immer und ausschliess- lich um Macht, nie um Einsicht ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Einzelheiten siehe im Beitrag NASHAUPT'S PROGRAMM 'auf dieser seite index : stories/1234793/


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